Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A change...

So I have recently read a book named Flabbergasted by Ray Blacksoton. Well technically I listened to it on one of my trips back home to Mississippi.

 A good book worth reading!!
It is the first book in a short series. 

This book was a very relatable Christian book about finding yourself in the world and at the same time finding Christianity. There is also a lot that can relate to "older" Christians. This book reminded me a lot of my current journey. This is why there was a change in the name. I have recently been trying to figure out what I wanted from this blog. I feel like I am constantly flabbergasted at life in general and I am constantly trying to figure out life and balancing my Christian walk with the outside world. This is what I have decided to use this blog for. I want to document my Christian life in the world. Hopefully I can help or encourage someone else with their life. I also am going to try to be more diligent about writing on my blog. I have a lot of stuff to share with the world and I want to help other people. :D It's a nice place to vent and share my frustrations and share how I overcome them at times. I would also like some help from others who may start following.

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