Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get better

I will hopefully get better at this whole blogging thing...
So I WA innocently attacked by our cat and later fell down our stairs today...
So the story behind our cat. He was a rescue who kind of found us. He wondered into our yard in may wounded and starving. Being me, and having recently found a rediculous fondness for cats my husband and I brought him to the vet and saved him and adopting him. We were both very excited, a new addition to our growing pet family. Well, the other two cats were not so thrilled with this. Scnappi quickly got over it... However Andy and Buffy HATE each other. Any time they get the chance to attack one another they jump at the chance. Well, this morning I was sitting on the couch with Buffy watching some TV before work and out of no where a streak of 15.5 pounds of black fur tries to rip out a chunk of her and missed. Coming away instead with a piece of my elbow! Sigh. 
As for me falling down the stairs that is pretty much all due to my complete lack of coordination! I was goind downstairs and just slipped... Like my feet no longer wanted to guide me down the stairs, opting instead to let gravity do all of the work!
Well I'm off to sleep. another long day tomorrow.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Monday....

Another weekend has come and gone. I didn't get called in to work again today... The life of a substitute teacher! But I had extra time to get my school work done.
I made homemade tomato sauce for the first time for dinner tonight. And it turned out quite well! :D
My cat's are attacking each other again...
This is Schnappi. He was the first cat we got. I put our puppies sweater on him. He was NOT a  happy kitty! Lol. He makes me giggle a lot... we have 2 other cats, Buffy and Andy. And we have 2 puppies Chumley and Zander. They are all so funny!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another Day...

Sitting around the house. Going to try this blog thing again. I haven't had a blog since high school, so this should be fun. 
Another eventful day is finished. My car was fixed and we were able to pick it up today. I wrote my first paper for my Master's program, then thought my computer decided to delete it. But thankfully it was saved and I didn't have to rewrite it. I also did a full day of school work. I'm very much liking doing my schoolwork online through the University of Phoenix. 
Now Dave and I are just sitting around the house watching the ID channel. Probably going to bed soon... I'm in the mood to make something, just have to figure out what I'm going to make... not sure if it's going to be baking or crafty... hmmm... guess I'll just have to figure it out. Well I'm off to bed... I'll try to remember to post more later.